Saturday, October 9, 2010

Oh My God!!! I think that what I have maybe a psychiatric condition!!!

I have read nine books since I last did a post.

Well here they are... be warned, it is long...

*My story* Voyage on the Great Titanic- The Diary of Margaret Anne Brady, 1912. This is the story of a fortunate young orphan who lived in St. Abernathy's orphanage for girls and was offered the chance to go on board the HMS Titanic as a companion to a Ms. Carstairs. Well you can fill in the rest....

I give it a 6/10

Sea Change By Aimee Friedman

The sky is everywhere by Jandy Nelson

Wings by Aprilynne Pike

Evernight by Claudia Gray

Glee- The beginning by Sophia Lowell

Splendor- A Luxe Novel by Anna Godbersen

Emily the strange- a novel by Rob Reger

Alice in time by Penelope Bush