Tuesday, January 17, 2012

My New Year's Resolution


I apologize profusely for not updating. I'm not just saying that either, I really am very, very sorry. But I have an excuse. I have been working hard on my first year of NCEA and I was kinda stressing out. It all payed off though, I got Merit endorsed overall and I got Science endorsed with Merit which was a great surprise to me. Let's just say that I'm not the science wizz of the family.

Anyway, these past months have been very interesting hair-wise, as you can see. 

But I have read waaaaaaaay too many books to list them all, so with some help from my genius mother, I have come up with the idea of putting them into groups! So here goes,

Books that I would recommend wholeheartedly: The memory keeper's daughter by  Kim Edwards, Bumped by Megan McCafferty is set in the future and puts a whole new look on teenage pregnancy, All These Things I've Done by Gabrielle Zevin; set in the future in a world where chocolate and coffee are illegal. Sixteen year old anya Blanchine is the daughter of the city's most well-known ( and dead) Crime Boss, throw her into a scandal and see what happens. Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi,  Juliette is a girl who has amazing (but deadly) powers, she can kill people by touch, she is locked away in isolation and silently goes mad, but then she finds out that someone can touch her, and that changes her whole world. Forgotten By Cat Patrick, This is about a girl called who forgets everything about her past a night but can see what will happen to her in the future perfectly.

Books that I recommend for a quick afternoon holiday read: A walk to remember by Nicholas Sparks, Withering Tights by Louise Rennison, Shiver, Linger and Forever by Maggie Stiefvater, Once a witch  and Always a witch  by Carolyn MacCullough, Confessions of the Sullivan Sisters by Natalie Standiford, Paranormalcy by Kiersten White, Beauty Queens by Libba Bray,  Illusions by Aprilynne Pike, Mercy by Rebecca Lim.

My New Year's resolution is to start doing this at the end of every week. I know that you might think that I'm not able to, but if it's something that I put my mind to, I will maybe be able to do it. 

So that's it for me,
Molly. xxx

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I'm sooooo sorry!!

I'm so sorry for not posting earlier but I have just completely forgotten and have had so many books that I want to read and just go on and read them without posting about them. There are so many that I actually can't remember all of them.

Well first of all I have started reading the Tomorrow Series by John Marsden, which is tomorrow when the war began. I have read the first 4 and then started reading something else and haven't gotten back to them. I am very slack.

They are about Ellie Linton and her seven friends who decide that because it is nearly the end of the holidays they want to do something exciting. They decide to go camping in a clearing in the forest which is named Hell although it is tranquil and quite the opposite of Hell. When they are out there they see military planes fly over head and joke about having WWIII start while they were away but they weren't too far off the truth. When the get back they find that they have been invaded and that all their friends and families have been rounded up and kept in the showgrounds.They are forced to pillage the houses and then retreat back to hell and stay low for a while while they figure out what to do. The Series is about how they try to rescue their friends and families without being caught themselves.

It is all very fast-paced and fun to read.

I give them a 9/10

The next series that I read is 'The House of Night' series by P.C. an Kristen Cast. I have only read up to the 4th book in this series and I am enjoying them greatly. They are about a girl named Zoey who is a regular girl until she is 'marked' and starts the change into a vampyre. She has to make the drastic move to 'The House of Night' which is an academy for vampyres. Zoey is special though when she was 'marked' she sped along the process a bit and is now further along the process of changing than the other fledglings- younger vampyres- and the series is about her highs and lows to do with this.

I give it a 8/10.

Airhead and Airhead: Being Nikki by Meg Cabot. In this trilogy a girl named Em Watts- Super geek- is killed in a shopping mall when a Plasma screen Tv falls on her and snaps her neck. At the same time though Super Model Nikki Howard has a supposed 'Brain Aneurysm' and also dies. When Em wakes up she finds herself in Nikkis body and is told that her life has been saved but that she is now Nikki Howard - Super Model - of course she totally freaks. This trilogy is about living life as someone else and trying not to give the game away.

I give it a 6.5/10

For Christmas I got Jessica Watson's Autobiography, Wuthering heights and a cool book called there were nine, three are dead, I am number four by Pittacus Lore.

I have already finished Jessica Watson's Autobiography and I am amazed that her parents let her do that! My parents would never let me sail around the world solo. Never in the world ( yes I intended it). Thanks Aunty Will, Dave, Anna and Soph! I haven't started the other two although I have read the first few pages of Wuthering Heights. And I must say It's pretty good.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Oh My God!!! I think that what I have maybe a psychiatric condition!!!

I have read nine books since I last did a post.

Well here they are... be warned, it is long...

*My story* Voyage on the Great Titanic- The Diary of Margaret Anne Brady, 1912. This is the story of a fortunate young orphan who lived in St. Abernathy's orphanage for girls and was offered the chance to go on board the HMS Titanic as a companion to a Ms. Carstairs. Well you can fill in the rest....

I give it a 6/10

Sea Change By Aimee Friedman

The sky is everywhere by Jandy Nelson

Wings by Aprilynne Pike

Evernight by Claudia Gray

Glee- The beginning by Sophia Lowell

Splendor- A Luxe Novel by Anna Godbersen

Emily the strange- a novel by Rob Reger

Alice in time by Penelope Bush

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Weekend Hello!

I thought that I would be good and give Mutti something to find when she got home and checked, so here are the two books that I have recently read.

The sky is everywhere by Jandy Nelson. Lennie was never an orinary girl. She was the girl who's mother had left her and the girl who's sister-bailey- is dead. She is thrown into the world of mourning and grief and the only other person who can help her is her bailey's boyfriend-Toby- who had proposed to Bailey and gotten her pregnant before she died. Then the disastrous happens and Lennie starts falling in love with Toby and Toby starts falling in love with her or so they think. She thinks that she is in love with Toby until she meets Joe, the cute new guy in the school band. Joe has just moved from Paris and instantly falls for Lennie and Lennie falls for him. That's when things start to go wrong.

I give it a 9/10 because it was a good soppy love story but it also had the sensible aspect to it.

The Hunger Games, vol. 1, by Suzanne Collins. This book is a post-apocalyptic story of a world- which has been split into 12 Districts- where every year each district has one boy an one girl -who are called tributes- chosen for The Hunger Games which is where they are all put into an arena and either kill or be killed. The tributes have to fight for their life literally.
I give this a 9/10 because it is a good fast-paced adventure book and I liked it.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sick day Blog update!

Hi everyone, I am have been sick for the last couple of days so i have got today off. I have decided to update with all the books that I have read recently. I have read so many that I am going to just pick the ones that I can remember and then update if I remember any more!

This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen - This is a heart warming story about a girl who gives up on love after watching her mother work on her 5th marriage, but then she meets Dexter, a musician that is totally not her type but she can't seem to shake him off. Then after a few months of being with him, she starts to figure out what being in love feels like.

I give this a 9/10

Monsters of Men by Patrick Ness - This is part of a trilogy called Chaos walking. The other books in the series are The knife of never letting go and The Ask and the Answer. These are about a boy named Todd who lives in a world where women are scarce and everybody can hear what everybody else is thinking. But then when he runs away he finds a girl named Viola- who has come off a space ship which has found the planet and landed, thinking that they can relocate there from where they came from. But the residents aren't very happy about this and they meet some resistance.

You have to read this to find out what actually happens!
I give it a 9/10.

Fire and Rayne by Kate Cann - This is the sequel to Possessing Rayne. It is about a girl named Rayne who works at an old mansion called Morton's Keep and she is really enjoying it but when the manager leaves in a hurry and a new stylish lady called Mrs Skelton takes her place. When Mrs Skelton moves in things start to go wrong and mysterious murders take place. To find out more you will have to read and find out!

I give it a 7/10

Kiss my book by Jamie Michaels. Ruby Crane the successful published author of 'The Heart Stealer' has everything a girl could dream of: designer clothes, popularity, in magazines, a celebrity, a gorgeous boyfriend. But then she gets accused of plagiarising and her world gets turned upside down. Her friends- gone, her boyfriend- gone, her publisher and editor- gone. So she does what any normal human being would do- she runs away. She runs to Whispering Oaks a little community in the middle of nowhere and she goes and lives with he there.

I give it a 4/10

Beautiful creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl. This book is about two people called Ethan and Lena. Lena is a 'Caster' which is kinda like a witch but casters only cast spells and Ethan is on the outside a normal boy but on the inside something completely different. Ethan and Lena both ave the same dreams but at the end when the are about to see each other the dram ends then when Lena moves to town Ethan is instantly drawn to her and knows that she is the one in his dream. There is a problem though because he is the popular jock and she is the niece of the Macon Ravonwood- the guy who never leaves his house- which instantly makes her a freak. Then a situation arises which makes them meet. And you will have to read it to find out what happens.

It is by far nearly my favourite book of the year. I give it 10/10.

Lock and Key by Sarah Dessen. Ruby is just an ordinary girl who has been put in unordinary situations. Her mum left her and Ruby was managing just fine until3 months before her 18th birthday when the social services turned up and sent her to live with her long-lost sister Cora and her husband.

Ruby doesn't want to do this and it takes her a long time to get used to the fact that she actually needs Cora. But then she finds out that underneath Cora's perfect-lifestyle-shell she has a lot of her own problems. Then with each other's help they figure out their problems.

I give it a 7/10

Girl with a Pearl Earring by Tracy Chevalier. This is the famous book about the painting ' Girl with a Pearl Earring'. It's about a girl called Grete who goes to work as a maid for the vermeer family. She becomes the sole cleaner of the masters studio and the mistress becomes very grumpy about that. I has a happy ending though.

Dating Hamlet by Lisa Fiedler. This is a different take on the famous play 'Hamlet'. It is the tragic story of Ophelia and Hamlet but with a happy ending where they end up together. It is stupid and silly but fun and a quick read.

I give it 3/10.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Mid-winter book fest!

I'm only going to put a couple of books up today because they are the only ones that I can remember.

Firestarter By Stephen King. This book is about a girl called Charlie. Charlie has a special talent though, she has pyrokinesis which means that she can start fires by just thinking about it! Her talent is so strong that she is able to bring down governments! Read it to find out what happens.

The Girl Who Knew by Sandra Glover. Kits is just a normal teenage girl but she has a gift. After being in an accident in which she lost her legs, she found that she had special powers like being able to float around without her body, has dreams and then they come true. She can also read minds. I think this book is very good and intriguing you have to keep reading to find out what is going to happen.

There are a few books that I've read but can't really describe them:
The Princess Plot by Kirsten Boie
What I Saw and How I Lied by Judy Blundell
Girl, Aloud by Emily Gale
Girl 15, Flirting for England by Sue Limb

Here's a couple of music videos of songs that are my favourite at the moment.
The Ready Set - Love Like Woe

Scouting For Girls - This Ain't A Love Song.

Friday, May 21, 2010


I haven't updated for so long but here we go I'll only do the ones that I can remember!!!

Vampire Academy, Frostbite, Shadow Kiss, and Blood Promise by Rachelle Mead. These are a series about a girl called Rose Hathaway who is Dhampir which is half vampire and half Human. She is in love with her instructor - Dimitri - who is turned strigoi which is completely Vampire. It is all very cool and fast moving!!

Feed by M.T. Anderson is about an alternate universe in which everyone has a computer inside their heads and they drive flying cars and talk to people inside their minds. It is very futuristic and sad.

Dreamhunter by Elizabeth Knox is about a girl who can go into an alternate reality and capture dreams, but then something happens and it all goes incredible wrong.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Books of the new year!!


The books that I have read over the new year are -

Airhead by Meg Cabot.

This book is about a girl called Em (who is a mega geek and loves
playing video games) who has a fatal accident at the same time as Nikki Howard mega supermodel goes into a coma. So with some clever surgery, Doctors are able to do a brain transplant of Em's brain into nikki's body the results are hilarious. this is a must read. WARNING THIS HAS A CLIFFHANGER!!!!!

Octavian Nothing - Traitor to the Nation.

This book is about a Negro boy who grows up with luxuries in a house where him and his mother are the only ones with names. All the others have been ordered
with numbers. When disaster hits his life is turned upside down and he is made to be a slave because of his race.
It is a very sad story but has a good ending.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New books.


These are the books that I have read now.

The Vanishing of Katharina Linden by Helen Grant.
This is about a girl called Pia who is the last person to see Katharina Linden before she disappears. The amazing thing is that she disappeared from a town where everyone knows everyone else. Then the next girl goes missing. and its all about how the peop
le of the town find out who did it. they do find out but not without a lot of mistakes. I thought that it was a very good book and it was hard to put down.

The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood.
This is quite a deep story set in a time where in marriages if your wife wasn't fertile you got a group of fertile women called 'Handmaids' who were there to get pregnant and have the couple's children. I thought that this was a very good book and it was very moving.

Submarine by Joe Dunthorne.
This book is about a boy called Oliver who measures his parents intimacy through the dimmer switch in their bedroom. It is also about him and his girlfriend Jordana. It is an easy read and a bit weird but I liked it.

You know you love me by Gossip Girl. - This book was the trashiest book that I have ever read and probably ever will read. I loved it though.

The Silver Blade by Sally Gardner.
This book was a love story set in the midst of the Revolution. It was really moving and there were heaps of twists and turns. it is about the hero Yann
and how he tries to get his lover Sido back. But Count Kalliovski is also trying to get to Sido because he wants her as his bride. It was a very good and historical book and it really made you feel as if you were there and in it. It was very good.

That is all for now.
Will write more soon.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Ask and the Answer


This posts' book is the title.

The Ask and the Answer is the sequel to The knife of never letting go. They are about a boy called Todd who finds out that all that he has ever learned in his life is wrong. For his whole life there have never been women and then when he runs away he finds a girl called Viola. The Ask and the Answer is about how when Todd and Viola get separated they find their way back to each other.

Other things that I have been doing lately are:

Last night I went to my school's prize giving and I got a service award for a whole year's worth of service to the school library.

Changing Seb's nappies and doing school work.

I can't wait till Christmas, the time with friends and family and the presents.

I've got two Paramore songs that I'm going to put in here -

This one because I like the song.

This one because I like the music video. You have to listen to the words to get it though. It makes sense with the video.

On the whole completely different theme here are some pictures of Seb that i thought that you might like.