Saturday, June 19, 2010

Mid-winter book fest!

I'm only going to put a couple of books up today because they are the only ones that I can remember.

Firestarter By Stephen King. This book is about a girl called Charlie. Charlie has a special talent though, she has pyrokinesis which means that she can start fires by just thinking about it! Her talent is so strong that she is able to bring down governments! Read it to find out what happens.

The Girl Who Knew by Sandra Glover. Kits is just a normal teenage girl but she has a gift. After being in an accident in which she lost her legs, she found that she had special powers like being able to float around without her body, has dreams and then they come true. She can also read minds. I think this book is very good and intriguing you have to keep reading to find out what is going to happen.

There are a few books that I've read but can't really describe them:
The Princess Plot by Kirsten Boie
What I Saw and How I Lied by Judy Blundell
Girl, Aloud by Emily Gale
Girl 15, Flirting for England by Sue Limb

Here's a couple of music videos of songs that are my favourite at the moment.
The Ready Set - Love Like Woe

Scouting For Girls - This Ain't A Love Song.

1 comment:

mutti said...

Great lay-out, Miss M. Thanks for the update! xx