Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sick day Blog update!

Hi everyone, I am have been sick for the last couple of days so i have got today off. I have decided to update with all the books that I have read recently. I have read so many that I am going to just pick the ones that I can remember and then update if I remember any more!

This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen - This is a heart warming story about a girl who gives up on love after watching her mother work on her 5th marriage, but then she meets Dexter, a musician that is totally not her type but she can't seem to shake him off. Then after a few months of being with him, she starts to figure out what being in love feels like.

I give this a 9/10

Monsters of Men by Patrick Ness - This is part of a trilogy called Chaos walking. The other books in the series are The knife of never letting go and The Ask and the Answer. These are about a boy named Todd who lives in a world where women are scarce and everybody can hear what everybody else is thinking. But then when he runs away he finds a girl named Viola- who has come off a space ship which has found the planet and landed, thinking that they can relocate there from where they came from. But the residents aren't very happy about this and they meet some resistance.

You have to read this to find out what actually happens!
I give it a 9/10.

Fire and Rayne by Kate Cann - This is the sequel to Possessing Rayne. It is about a girl named Rayne who works at an old mansion called Morton's Keep and she is really enjoying it but when the manager leaves in a hurry and a new stylish lady called Mrs Skelton takes her place. When Mrs Skelton moves in things start to go wrong and mysterious murders take place. To find out more you will have to read and find out!

I give it a 7/10

Kiss my book by Jamie Michaels. Ruby Crane the successful published author of 'The Heart Stealer' has everything a girl could dream of: designer clothes, popularity, in magazines, a celebrity, a gorgeous boyfriend. But then she gets accused of plagiarising and her world gets turned upside down. Her friends- gone, her boyfriend- gone, her publisher and editor- gone. So she does what any normal human being would do- she runs away. She runs to Whispering Oaks a little community in the middle of nowhere and she goes and lives with he there.

I give it a 4/10

Beautiful creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl. This book is about two people called Ethan and Lena. Lena is a 'Caster' which is kinda like a witch but casters only cast spells and Ethan is on the outside a normal boy but on the inside something completely different. Ethan and Lena both ave the same dreams but at the end when the are about to see each other the dram ends then when Lena moves to town Ethan is instantly drawn to her and knows that she is the one in his dream. There is a problem though because he is the popular jock and she is the niece of the Macon Ravonwood- the guy who never leaves his house- which instantly makes her a freak. Then a situation arises which makes them meet. And you will have to read it to find out what happens.

It is by far nearly my favourite book of the year. I give it 10/10.

Lock and Key by Sarah Dessen. Ruby is just an ordinary girl who has been put in unordinary situations. Her mum left her and Ruby was managing just fine until3 months before her 18th birthday when the social services turned up and sent her to live with her long-lost sister Cora and her husband.

Ruby doesn't want to do this and it takes her a long time to get used to the fact that she actually needs Cora. But then she finds out that underneath Cora's perfect-lifestyle-shell she has a lot of her own problems. Then with each other's help they figure out their problems.

I give it a 7/10

Girl with a Pearl Earring by Tracy Chevalier. This is the famous book about the painting ' Girl with a Pearl Earring'. It's about a girl called Grete who goes to work as a maid for the vermeer family. She becomes the sole cleaner of the masters studio and the mistress becomes very grumpy about that. I has a happy ending though.

Dating Hamlet by Lisa Fiedler. This is a different take on the famous play 'Hamlet'. It is the tragic story of Ophelia and Hamlet but with a happy ending where they end up together. It is stupid and silly but fun and a quick read.

I give it 3/10.

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