Sunday, January 17, 2010

Books of the new year!!


The books that I have read over the new year are -

Airhead by Meg Cabot.

This book is about a girl called Em (who is a mega geek and loves
playing video games) who has a fatal accident at the same time as Nikki Howard mega supermodel goes into a coma. So with some clever surgery, Doctors are able to do a brain transplant of Em's brain into nikki's body the results are hilarious. this is a must read. WARNING THIS HAS A CLIFFHANGER!!!!!

Octavian Nothing - Traitor to the Nation.

This book is about a Negro boy who grows up with luxuries in a house where him and his mother are the only ones with names. All the others have been ordered
with numbers. When disaster hits his life is turned upside down and he is made to be a slave because of his race.
It is a very sad story but has a good ending.

1 comment:

mutti said...

Miss M do you own these books or are they borrowed?

I ask because I would like to read them too as they sound so good. x