Monday, June 9, 2008

Funhouse by Diane Hoh

Today I finished a book called "Funhouse", by Diane Hoh. It was really creepy and really cool at the same time!

It was about a girl called Tess, and at the beginning a rollercoaster called "The Devil's Elbow" ran off its tracks and killed a couple of people but as everyone was crowding around the cars Tess saw someone slinking away...

This isn't the last accident that happens and Tess gets drawn into the mystery of it all and tries to figure it out.

I borrowed this book from my friend Vikki.

I rate it 7/10.


Danielle said...

That book looks really interesting i would really like to read thet book!!!!!!!!

Danielle said...

Hae i would definately try to get this book out of the library!!! from ur Bestie Dnie!!!!!! =)