Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Ask and the Answer


This posts' book is the title.

The Ask and the Answer is the sequel to The knife of never letting go. They are about a boy called Todd who finds out that all that he has ever learned in his life is wrong. For his whole life there have never been women and then when he runs away he finds a girl called Viola. The Ask and the Answer is about how when Todd and Viola get separated they find their way back to each other.

Other things that I have been doing lately are:

Last night I went to my school's prize giving and I got a service award for a whole year's worth of service to the school library.

Changing Seb's nappies and doing school work.

I can't wait till Christmas, the time with friends and family and the presents.

I've got two Paramore songs that I'm going to put in here -

This one because I like the song.

This one because I like the music video. You have to listen to the words to get it though. It makes sense with the video.

On the whole completely different theme here are some pictures of Seb that i thought that you might like.

Monday, November 23, 2009

All my holiday books and more

Sorry that I haven't updated for so long.
These are the books that I read on my trip to Europe in July.

The rats of Nimn by Robert O'Brien.

Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz. This is about a boy spy. It is a reasonably easy read but I liked it.

10 things I hate about me by Randa Abdel-Fattah. This one has a good look at how someone who isn't taking full responsibility of their culture lives life.

Around the world in 80 days by Jules Verne.

The legend of Buddy Bush by Shelia P. Moses.

The Solitaire Mystery by Jostein Gardener.

Here are ones that I have read after that:

The Luxe by Anna Godbersen. This was really enjoyable but I really, really enjoyed it.

Rumours by Anna Godbersen. This is the sequel to The Luxe. It was as equally enjoyable.

The knife of never letting go by Patrick Ness. This is a very good book and I sincerely recommend it. It is a bit blood-thirsty but I didn't mind it.

Letters to Leonardo by Dee white. It is about a boy who gets a letter from his mum who thought was dead, he then goes on a search t find out why he never sees her. It is a very good mystery and I highly recommend it.

Trixie Belden: The mystery of the castaway children by Kathryn Kenny.

Trixie Belden: The mystery of the missing heiress by Kathryn Kenny.

"Stop in the name of pants!" by Louise Rennison. This is really, very funny but you have to read all the other 8 first otherwise you won't know what the hell is going on or what she's talking about.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

I haven't updated for a long time so here it is.

I've read so many books over the period of time that I haven't blogged that I'm not even going to try and catch it up so here are a few of my favourite books of the last year.

The Star of Kazan by Eva Ibbotson, which was a good book which had an interesting twist at the end.

Before I Die by Jenny Downham, which was a very sad book which made my mother cry. But not me.

The Pretties by Scott Westerfeld, was a very futuristic and interesting book. It made me think about how life could actually be if everyone was supermodel pretty.

Angus,Thongs, and full-frontal snogging by Louise Rennison is a really trashy book but a cool read.

The Transformation of Minna Hargreaves and I am not Esther by Fleur Beale. The first was an easy modern read. I am not Esther is about a religious sect and it was very thought provoking.

The Chrysalids by John Wyndham is a futuristic book and it had a very sad message.

Twilight and New Moon by Stephenie Meyer, were really trashy and cool books. They're a nice read but they're not as good as everyone makes them to be.

Mischling Second Degree by Ilse Koehn, which is a historic and very interesting autobiography about a girl who lived in Nazi Germany.

Knocked out by nunga-nungas by Louise Rennison -- this is also a very trashy but good read book.

Hamlet by John Marsden and Ophelia by Lisa Klein, which are both retellings of the Shakespeare play from the point of view of those characters.

Falling by Sharon Dogar is about a girl called Neesh who is a witch and can tell people's feelings by the colours above their heads. I thought it was a good book with a very moving plot.