Sunday, January 17, 2010

Books of the new year!!


The books that I have read over the new year are -

Airhead by Meg Cabot.

This book is about a girl called Em (who is a mega geek and loves
playing video games) who has a fatal accident at the same time as Nikki Howard mega supermodel goes into a coma. So with some clever surgery, Doctors are able to do a brain transplant of Em's brain into nikki's body the results are hilarious. this is a must read. WARNING THIS HAS A CLIFFHANGER!!!!!

Octavian Nothing - Traitor to the Nation.

This book is about a Negro boy who grows up with luxuries in a house where him and his mother are the only ones with names. All the others have been ordered
with numbers. When disaster hits his life is turned upside down and he is made to be a slave because of his race.
It is a very sad story but has a good ending.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New books.


These are the books that I have read now.

The Vanishing of Katharina Linden by Helen Grant.
This is about a girl called Pia who is the last person to see Katharina Linden before she disappears. The amazing thing is that she disappeared from a town where everyone knows everyone else. Then the next girl goes missing. and its all about how the peop
le of the town find out who did it. they do find out but not without a lot of mistakes. I thought that it was a very good book and it was hard to put down.

The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood.
This is quite a deep story set in a time where in marriages if your wife wasn't fertile you got a group of fertile women called 'Handmaids' who were there to get pregnant and have the couple's children. I thought that this was a very good book and it was very moving.

Submarine by Joe Dunthorne.
This book is about a boy called Oliver who measures his parents intimacy through the dimmer switch in their bedroom. It is also about him and his girlfriend Jordana. It is an easy read and a bit weird but I liked it.

You know you love me by Gossip Girl. - This book was the trashiest book that I have ever read and probably ever will read. I loved it though.

The Silver Blade by Sally Gardner.
This book was a love story set in the midst of the Revolution. It was really moving and there were heaps of twists and turns. it is about the hero Yann
and how he tries to get his lover Sido back. But Count Kalliovski is also trying to get to Sido because he wants her as his bride. It was a very good and historical book and it really made you feel as if you were there and in it. It was very good.

That is all for now.
Will write more soon.